June 13, 2012

Finding Happiness?

The past year was a time for change, and I have seen myself evolve for the better.  I left one job to begin a career in the field I went to school for.  That in itself provided me with a renewed sense of purpose in this world, a feeling that I am going to be able to truly help people.  I began my own business in direct sales, selling jewelry.  Never before in my life have I been surrounded by so many positive and supportive women who want nothing more than to see me succeed.  

I used to be a primarily negative person who liked to blame others for my own experiences, behaviors, and thoughts.  However, owning a business has helped open my eyes to who I really am, as well as the person I want to be.  Being negative and behaving badly had only served to ensure that I would stay miserable and those around me would not enjoy being around me much more.  

Being positive has opened my eyes to a wealth of knowledge and information about the world, and I truly see life through different eyes now.  I am almost finished reading Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project, and in honor of my newly developed quest for positivity and enlightenment, have decided to start my own mini happiness project.  

I have decided to write down the one thing every day that made me the happiest.  Simple, but powerful.  So many things occur on a daily basis and life moves so fast, that if we don't take the time to sit and ponder, even for a moment, and to remember the things that made us so happy in that one moment, what really is the purpose of pushing forward?  You know when fall is turning into winter, and daylight is fading into nightfall, and you step outside on a chilly evening and catch the first whiff of burning wood from someone's fireplace?  One of my favorite smells, and it makes me happy every time I sense it.  Or getting a kiss from your loved one every single night right before drifting off to sleep.  When it's something that happens every day we tend to take advantage of it.  We almost don't even notice such things until we no longer have them.  My goal is to do more living in the moment, rather than waiting until the moment has escaped and it's too late.  

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